Benaroya Hall Parking
Benaroya Hall is located at 200 University Street, in the heart of downtown Seattle. Visiting motorists are asked to be very careful of pedestrians crossing the road and of cyclists in the protected bike lane: please check your mirrors and surroundings and be cautious upon your entry and exit of the Benaroya Hall garage.

Benaroya Hall Parking Garage
The hall has its own underground parking garage, but this is limited to 430 vehicles.
The garage entrance is on 2nd Avenue, just south of Union Street, and elevators provide direct access into the venue. Inside the parking garage are charging stations for electric vehicles. The maximum vehicle height is 6’8″.
Parking rates may vary according to the event. Parking may be purchased separately in advance, or included when you book your concert ticket.
The Benaroya Hall features a 430-capacity garage underground, providing direct access into the Hall via elevators. The garage can be entered from Second Avenue, south of union street. Blink charging stations are available for electric vehicles. Please note that the maximum height for entry is 6,8. The parking charge is typically $17.
Local Parking Garages
You’ll find several garages within a one-block radius of Benaroya Hall, including Republic Parking at 2nd Ave and Union Street and also at 3rd and Union (Puget Sound Plaza). If you go a couple of blocks south, you’ll find both Diamond Parking and Ace Parking on Seneca Street, either side of 2nd Avenue.
Street Parking
On-street parking options are also available, though you should be aware of Seattle’s many cyclists, bike lanes, bus lanes and pedestrians.